
In this section of the site you will find articles that I have written that I consider to be shared.

Steps to holistic gamesmanship

29. 04. 2022

In video game worlds, we can witness perhaps the most toxic human behavior. On the other hand, these worlds are one of the most imaginative elements of human culture of recent times. I therefore offer a holistic conception of video game culture that makes it possible to understand this apparent contradiction and to interpret other arts creatively.

Marxist dictionary

17. 04. 2022

I will try to answer two questions: what do I mean when I say words from a Marxist dictionary? Why do these words have important value and should we use them (in the right circumstances)?

Killing games: has their subversive potential been exhausted?

15. 02. 2022

Kill or be killed: a hero and a multitude of equally ordinary people are forced into a vicious game where they have to kill each other to get a chance to escape. You've probably heard of something like this before, a basic premise of the killing games sub-genre, which has enjoyed a lot of popularity lately. Could it be because this premise gives us an interesting testament to the current reality of neoliberal capitalism? And has this testimony been dulled, recuperated?

Sculpting in Time: impressions of Book A. Tarkovsky

12. 01. 2022

Tarkovsky has made film history as an important figure, so his films are worth seeing for historical context alone. But I believe they also offer other qualities: an unusual view of storytelling and incredible emotional power. So I will try to describe these qualities better through observations from books.

Ethical use of social networks

27. 10. 2021, modified 16. 11. 2022

Social networks in general are beset with problems. They allegedly cause addiction, influence public opinion and are a source of radicalisation. Yet do individuals (myself included) often have networks bringing them something? So why not use them? Cutting ourselves off from them would be social suicide. But isn't it morally wrong for networks to stay and contribute to spreading the wrong thing?

Reviving geometry

Completed September 2021

Series of articles for disposition in pdf!

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Imagine a little kid coming up to you saying he wasn't very good at school, couldn't possibly understand her, and was probably going to resign. To such a confession, one might say that it is not so, that he will surely learn, if he persists in his diligence, that the endeavour will eventually bear fruit, and that he will grow to enjoy it. We live in an educated society where school is supposed to be a game and everyone has a chance at education. But what if the weeping child had come with a complaint about mathematics, not patriotism? In such a situation, it has already become a common usage to reply in the style of \Oh yeah, I wasn't good at math either, don't worry about that,\ or \Don't worry, someone in math just doesn't have the cells, you'll get through somehow.\ It has simply become a common practice that mathematics is a hate object that is meant for someone and not for someone else. But I don't believe in such fateful mathematics, I think that - like Johann Strauss's \On the Beautiful Blue Danube\ or \Starry Night\ - mathematics has a kind of universal beauty to it. But revealing this beauty requires the right frame of mind and the right insight, which is why I find it a pity that in our schools, teachers tend to focus on the practical, procedural part of mathematics, which does not tell the true story. It seems a pity, then, that the chilling elegence of mathematics, which transcends our universe in its universality yet attaches our understanding to human evolution, connects it to the history of mathematical discoverers, remains undetected. So I decided to write about my favorite part of mathematics -- differential calculus or mathematical analysis or calculus. I will proceed mostly in chronological order by presenting first the primers, when mathematics was more closely related to intuition, and slowly getting to the more complex topics, where I plan to use mathematical knowledge to describe the world in physical terms.

Naked algebra

Completed September 2021

Series of articles for disposition in pdf!

This series of articles directly follows the previous series Reviving Geometry. While the previous series aimed to introduce readers to the issue of differential calculus through the introduction of basic concepts and a theoretical basis, in this series we will follow the same theme, but in a different direction. In concrete examples, we'll show what infinitesimal numbers are good for, and we'll focus primarily on so-called mathematical formalism.

Mathematical or algebraic formalism sounds highly exaggerated, but it is not really such a complex concept. It is an aggregate designation of all established terms and their written designation. To some, this notion might seem unnecessary, but I see one useful thing in it: once we have spoken it, we can look back on the path we have traveled so far and try to understand more about the relationships between the various concepts we have encountered.

The purpose of this series of articles, and the reason for the eccentric title Naked Algebra, is thus to introduce new symbols for previously introduced concepts and to understand their interrelation or intertwining. Again, no special skills are needed for a good understanding of the text, but familiarity with previous Revival Geometry is useful.

Guaranteed foreign language trick

18. 11. 2019

Many people would give a great deal to speak a foreign language. But obviously not the determination and time to actually learn the language. Or do they just not know the right way to learn, and if they discovered that way, they would save themselves and be able to turn off the headlines at Stranger Things? Perhaps everyone who wants to learn a new language has wondered what teaching method, aid or course they should use. I speak fluent English and German, and for the past year I have been learning French, gathering my knowledge of this slow but hopeful and interesting process. In this article, we first look at a group of people learning a language in a surprisingly consistent way: young children. Then we look at one principle that children do not use to learn language and another that they use to learn language.

Quick and dirty tips on foreign languages

18. 11. 2019

Many people would go to great lengths to learn a foreign language. But obviously not enough to actually learn the language. Or do they just not know the right way to learn, and if they discovered this miraculous way, they would save themselves and be able to turn off the headlines at Stranger Things? In the article, I'll list a few methods that can help you learn a foreign language. And if you read the article in five minutes...


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