Welcome to Jindra's webpage

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What is it?

You are currently on my website jidu.cz. You might be interested in tutorials on graphing software called Gnuplot and professional software to create LaTeX [latech] documents. You can also read here some of my articles, most notably my series of articles Reviving Geometry, in which I explain the mind-set of the differential calculus.

This website originated from my spontaneous wish. It seems to me that nowadays it's rare for a website to surprise anyone. Today's Internet, in my view, has lost a little of the charm of the bygone days, when pages were made up of people rather than corporations, and when content was the result of personal uniqueness rather than depersonalized unified style. So my dream is for this site to make the Internet just a little bit more mysterious, intertwined, interesting, and colorful. I hope that wading through it will make you at least a little happy, show you something new or teach you, or at least inspire you in some way.

Technical details

I wrote this page in html, css and php. Sources of advice were my friends, but also stack overflow and w3-schools. Helped me with the responsive design site https://internetingishard.com. Almost all of the pictures and graphics you find on this site are my work created using free open source software.


This page is machine-translated into multiple languages. Wow. But don't completely believe some things that aren't Czech if you find it strange. More here.